The Green Kingdom – »Miniature Forest Remix« (IOD Netlabel)
A Candle For IOD Netlabel! // To celebrate its first birthday, Paris top-notch Ambient Netlabel IOD releases an exclusive compilation. “Miniature Forest Remix” is a chosen collection of seven, well, remixes from the corresponding The Green Kingdom song released by IOD mother ship SEM. Everybody with just the slightest interest in experimental Ambient: go download!
Darren McClure “Miniature Forest Remix” (MP3) offthesky “Miniature Forest Remix” (MP3)Usually, I avoid talking about the same Netlabels over and over again. But this release is too important to keep it in the closet just because I wrote about Brometer and IOD two weeks ago. The Green Kingdom, Detroit-based musician and graphic designer gave out the song “Miniature Forest” from his self titled CD debut for a bunch of house-keeping IOD artists to let them redraft his delicate Ambient textures.
Exile-Irishman Darren McClure takes the original with him on a trip underwater. Not a trip to abysmal pits but a smooth skin-dive through colorful coastal waters. SEM-mastermind Alexandre Navarro treats the song with his cine scope delay mainly. Navarro’s edit is pretty close to his own sound of semi-experimental, melancholy guitar Ambient and brings forth a sniveling feel of prairie vastness. Letna (SEM) and Mexican Manrico Montero (of Mandorla-fame) rework the track from a similar minimalistic point of view, the former with a good amount of Pop, the later with a rather dark approach. Both at huge success.
<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-610” src=”https://phlow-magazine.com/images/offthesky.jpg”
My favorite remix comes from Jason Corder a.k.a. offthesky, a guy you probably have heard of. His “Miniature Forest” is the most song-like rework and so full of fresh textures, strange sounds and beautiful melodies that it’s a pleasure to zoom in and listen closely. Did I mention the best place for Ambient music is the Netaudio scene? Go download the proove!
MP3 Ambient Music Download
Release Site: The Green Kingdom - “Miniature Forest”
Netlabel: www.semlabel.com/iod
Artist Website: www.thegreenkingdom.wordpress.com