Best Of Netlabels: »Their Finest Hour Vol. 1«
With “Their Finest Hour Vol. 1” we start our very first free music compilation with netlabel music from all over the globe. We scanned our January-2008-reviews again and combined for you just the very best. Brigitte, Sven and mo. discovered these tunes throughout January 2008. We hope you enjoy this little gold mine of music from netlabels like Corpid, addSensor, aerotone or Camomille and their fine artists.
- MP3 – Click to listen
- Goodbye Snow, Hello Snow
- Algo Cián
- Energy is For Hendrik
- Floripondia
- "The Place
- Everybody
- Uplock The Poprock
- That Smell Of Spring Rain
- L Anchoiade
- Fashion Arithmetics
- Kodo
You can stream the whole compilation via M3U-Playlist. We took extra-care to combine the tunes in a smooth manner.
Below all MP3s from our compilations are listed. Just click on the corresponding album to listen, read and download more from the artist. Of course you can download the whole compilation as a ZIP-File. The artwork was done by mo.
Press Reactions
“Bref, une sélection aux petits oignons pour découvrir plein de bonnes choses en téléchargement libre et pour se rendre compte, une fois encore si besoin était, de la qualité proposée par toutes ces petites productions disséminées à travers le monde.” (Netlabels Revue)
Compilation MP3 Music Download
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