V.A. – »Phantom Channel Presents- Part I« (Phantom Channel)
Ambient Takeover // Phantom Chanel is a brandnew UK Netlabel and they hit the scene with an exclusive mixtape that makes you remember the innovative power of ambient Electronic music. Seamlessly glued to one big jam, PC-member Alan McNeill aka Engine7 proves his talent not only as a musician but as a filejockey and sensible A&R, too.
McNeill and Phantom Chanel introduces nine rather unknown Ambient composer, all of them working at the edge of Electronica, Drone and something like Postrock. Mercury synth-textures, drifty memories of guitar and a lot of noise are the common elements. Wonderful!
Engine7 opens the mix with his trademark sound of Electronica beats and deep Ambient harmonies. Bleeding in, Parhelion (Ihor Dawidiuk from Toronto, CAN) basically produces sugar Noisepop that sounds like received from the bottom of a glacier lake. Experimental band Brakhage (CH) shift the overall sound to something more sparse and dark, extensively using field-recordings over bass-saturated instrumentals. Michael Henaghan aka Mosca, next to Engine7 the only artist I was familiar with, resembles this sound with his subtle melodies buried under a lava flow of down-pitched synth textures. Finally, youngster Lee “Svefn” Chapman takes you home with a high-spirited piece of Drone muzak from his recent EP “Lightness”.
MP3 Ambient Music Download
Release Site: V.A. - “Phantom Channel Presents - Part I”
Direct Download: V.A. - “Phantom Channel Presents - Part I” (ZIP)
Netlabel: www.phantomchannel.co.uk**