Ryonkt – »Slow Time EP« (Dog Eared Records)
Experimental Folk Armed with guitar and powerbook, young Ryo Nakata a.k.a. Ryonkt creates sparse and minimal Folk music. Alongside expanded field-recordings, Ryo drops harmonic chords on his acoustic guitar, carefully adding digital shivers and subtle noises. Bring some time because this is slooow music.
Japanese Ryo released his EP on the brand-new Dog Eared Netlabel. Their website is completely made of jpg-pictures, which is pretty strange in times of highly flexible Web 2.0-domains… Maybe Eduardo and Dave of Dog Eared should think about a structural update! The music they’re hosting is fine nevertheless.
“Slow Time EP” by Ryonkt brings forth three tracks that can make you forget your everyday life. Take a dive into his pristine field-recording textures and explore the many atmospheric details Ryo knows to hide in his compositions. Wash away with his relaxed, unpretentious chords and follow them carefully fading-out in the distance. If you got bored by Marsen Jules esoteric meanders lately or his the early Savoy Grand, this EP might suit your interest. “Koune” in our Podcast-player is a good example.
MP3 Ambient Music Download
Release-Site: Ryonkt - Slow Time EP
Direct Download: Slow Time EP ZIP
Netlabel: www.dog-eared-records.com
Artist Website: www.myspace.com/ryonkt