Frank Biedermann – »Wookiee Woods« (Stadtgruen Netlabel)
Slammin Dub-Techno // “Wookie Woods” bumps into you like a heavy train. With iron-build and pushing beats like a steamengine in full motion Frank Biedermann gives you a wild ride. His dub-techno-trip takes you directly down into the club where the stroboscop-light flickers wildly through the disco-fog.
Slam! “Chewbaca” is on the rails, the steamengine is hot like a volcano and the crowd is screaming frenetically. Frank Biedermanns productions are like thunder and lightning. They hit you directly and stand on solid, deep and pumping beats. The german producer released with “Wookie Woods” on Stadtgruen a four-tracker-ep which is already a classic.
If you are a dj cut his straight beats loose in the heat of the night. You’ll see, the tracks will do the rest and heaten up club people to the max. If you prefer to build up tension, than “Endor Woods” should be the choice of the moment. Still pushing but with a more relaxed approach “Endor Forest” slides on peaceful dub chords. No pills needed for this music ;)
MP3 Techno Music Download
Netlabel: www.stadtgruenlabel.net
Release-Download: Frank Biedermann “Wookie Woods” (ZIP)