Hiroshi Oki – »Amaterasu EP« (Digital Diamonds)
Forward pushing techno // Hiroshi Oki puts the trance back into techno. From his headquarter in Barcelona he spreads his hypnotic and melodic loops via the still fresh Digital Diamonds netlabel. His solid tunes take you on a powerful ride and have a little bit of Underworld-Flair.
I like techno which gives me that feeling like sitting and rolling on a huge wave. Hiroshi Okis tracks come around the corner, grab you by your feet and start pushing. No ornaments here, just pure techno condensed to make us sweat. Nevertheless Okis tunes are somehow delightful because they spread a positive vibe. DJs can use his music to heat the club while we can listen to them at home or while kicking the pedals of our bike. If you like techno give “Retarin” and “Life Change” a listen and download his music to your mp3-player.
MP3 Techno Music Download
Release-Download: Hiroshi Oki - Amaterasu EP
Artist-Website: www.myspace.com/hiroshioki