V.A. – »Behold My Puny Bears, Vol. I« (Beep! Beep! Netlabel)
Indie at it’s best! // There is a new baby in town: Beep! Beep! Back up the truck from Utrecht, Netherlands. The dutch independent and free music scene seems to hook up. Postrock- and Indiefans will be pleased. Seven known and talented Bands have already joined the young label and there is surely more to come. Prepare for the next step on netlabelism.
Beep! Beep! is going for promotion and distribution of independent music and tries to create an accessible communtiy which is supposed to unite artists and their audience. By using the Creative Commons licence, the dutch netlabel offers all releases as free downloads but also promotes ‘hardcopy’ albums wrapped up in a beautiful artwork, as one can read on their website.
Their first labelsampler (Behold My Puny Bears Vol. I), which contains songs of all seven Bands that allready joined Beep! Beep!, offers some surprises. There is the Postrockers from We vs. Death who actually sing for the first time ever! You get to hear great Indierock from The Walt, Kismet and Embrace Fire, Hardcore by Schotel Van De Dag, Indiepop by Paper Tiger and very new to my ears: Dutch Singer/Songwriter Pop by Het Gloren. All in all very talented groups and high quality recordings.
The label is partly state-funded, which is a new way of running a netlabel and therefore some kind of prototype. Besides listening to the great music, it is also interesting to read their statements on free music culture and profit:
”[]…we’re not here to make a profit. Any profits will be used to maintain our little organization or goes directly to our artists.”
”[]…free music on the internet = a lot more listeners, more listeners = more fans, more fans = more shows, more shows = more merch sales, more merch sales = more money for the band, money for the band = more great music for free. Internet is our friend and free music downloads are awesome!”
While other netlabels offer some EPs and Albums, Beep! Beep! goes for the complete discography of it’s featured artists. So be sure that there is a lot to come!
Indierock MP3 Music Download
Download: V.A. - “Behold My Puny Bears Vol. I” (ZIP-Archive)
Netlabel: Beep! Beep! Back Up The Truck