Jóvenes y Sexys – »Bruno EP« (Poni Republic Netlabel)
Jóvenes y Sexys is a young and sexy lofi-folk-pop-duo from Mexico/Venezuela and their sweet melodies keep buzzing around my head for quite some time now. Somewhere between the simple sound of an acoustic guitar and some gentle handclapping, Jóvenes y Sexys placed lovely melodies, that will get stuck in your ears. To complete their little universe of lofi-pop, they added some fancy atmospheric sounds – sweet and soothing.
Cheky and Loocila’s Jóvenes y Sexys debut „Bruno EP“ starts with the sound of a cuckoo clock and introduces the song „El Reloj“ (The Clock). Just a few seconds later they come up with their omnipresent acoustic guitar that is the basis for all of their songs. As soon as the vocals set in, they catch you with sweet melodies that are often accentuated with suitably keyboard-sounds.
While the first two songs are in Spanish, the second half of Jóvenes y Sexys’ „Bruno EP“ is in English. On „Gold Day“ they were supported by Joiejoiejoie, who is also releasing at the mexican netlabel Poni Republic. The last song of their lovely EP is called „Divine Hammer“ and is my favourite track by the mexican-venezuelan duo, because it just makes you sing along: “I’m just looking for one divine hammer. One divine hammer, one divine hammer. I’d bang it all day…” And let’s be honest: aren’t we all looking for a divine hammer sometimes?
Folk-Acoustic Pop MP3 Music Download
Download Jóvenes y Sexys - "Bruno EP"Release // Jóvenes y Sexys - "Bruno EP"
Netlabel // http://ponirepublic.blogspot.com/