Inlets – »Vestibule EP« (LuvSound)
Songs for the Allergic // Sebastian Krueger from NYC is the handsome fellow behind the Inlets-moniker. His “Vestibule EP” for the LuvSound-Netlabel is a chamber musical treasure chest of heartbreaking melodies, bitter-sweet vocal arrangements and a dozen of hand played instruments. Decent opulence from a Brooklyn bedroom.
The eight songs on “Vestibule” are perfect. Really. Sebastian Krueger is a gifted songwriter, arranger and sound engineer. With Nick Drake, Van Dyke Parks and Mark Hollis at hand, he chooses the right instruments for every single tune, finds the correct intonation (delicate, yet on point) and knows about the aural space every single element needs to unfold. “Pictures of Trees” and “Decks, Up and Above” are only random examples for the grandezza, Sebastian knows to unleash.
“Under the guise of a lo-fi project out of a Brooklyn nook, he writes songs for the allergic. The nose itching from time spent sniffling at odd ball instrumental writing, Sebastian began sneezing out lyrical melody. (…) Upon his Kleenex he found traces of flesh toned watercolors and four-part harmony, drops of intimate life moments spelled wrong, and streaks of faces in profile that were unwound from guitar strings.”
self-portrait taken from myspace.com/inlets
MP3 Pop Music Download
Release-Site: Inlets - Vestibule EP
Direct Download: Inlets - Vestibule EP ZIP
Netlabel: www.luvsound.org
Artist Website: www.myspace.com/inlets