V.A. – »Sweets For The Wild 3« (Another Record)
Indie Rock/Pop from France // Another Record is a small French record label that uses CC-licences as a promotion tool. Because their music can be shared freely, the attention to their artists and their physical releases is growing. In the end of February they have released a nice compilation called “Sweets For The Wild 3”, where you can find various kinds of indie rock/pop music ranging from melancholic singer/songwriter to experimental, psychedelic pop songs and guitar-driven indie rock.
“Sweets For The Wild 3” comes along as a double-album featuring 22 songs by 22 artists. Because most of the bands are French, you can gain a pretty interesting insight to the French indie scene. All songs are well produced and of high quality. While most of the songs are easy to follow, some of them need some time to get used to, so be patient. One thing is for sure: your patience will be rewarded, because there is a lot to discover: new and upcoming bands and more importantly, a lot of interesting approaches towards pop music.
“Sweets For The Wild 3” is freely available as MP3 and OGG and while you are surfing the Another Record Website, make sure to check out their other releases, too.
Free Indie Music MP3 Download
Release Site: V.A. - “Sweets For The Wild 3”
Direct Download: Volume I MP3, OGG, Volume II MP3, OGG
Netlabel : http://www.another-record.com