Tomorrowland – »Anemone« (Red Antenna)
Electric Krautrock // I’m into Tomorrowland since I first started listening to free music. Their 2001 EP “Variable” is online at archive.org and still a good listen. Just recently, I found the follow-up album “Anemone” being released by their label Red Antenna for free, too. Take some time and learn to love their brusk melodies and grooves.
Tomorrowland is basically Stephen Baker and Nick Brackney, joined by Eric Morrison (of Füxa-fame!) on drums for the recording of “Anemone”. Hailing from Michigan, USA, Tomorrowland had an album out at Kranky before they teamed up with NYC’s Red Antenna. Both Baker and Brackney play their guitars through various effect pedals so one might assume there aint guitars at all. With Morrison’s loop-a-like drum patterns and a few drum machine-dubs, the songs are really composed for minimal effort. But although the sound is very pure, maybe even paltry here and there, something happens between bubbling guitars, delay and drum tracks.
Krautrock is the magic word, and if you ever heard the first two Neu! records or Tortoise’s “Millions Living”-album, you probably can imagine what I mean. Tomorrowland-tunes like “Mineral” and “Anemone” are growers for groove and melody, in a straight Rother/ Roedelius/ Moebius-kinda way. These songs have sort of a retro-feel while tracks “Stormy” and “Unfadeable” come up with increased density and volume, clearly locating Tomorrowland into US Postrock with references to SST, Thrill Jockey and, well, Kranky.
MP3 Rock Music Download
Release-Site: Tomorrowland - “Anemone”
Netlabel: www.redantenna.tv