Clipper – »Alles Erscheint In Einem Anderen Licht«
German High Gloss Pop // One might argue how much sense it makes to talk about a record that features German vocals and explicitly relies on reviewing the entanglements of music and lyrics in a magazine that is written for a mainly English-speaking readership. I am aware of this problem. Still, Cologne Pop outfit Clipper are worth a try even if you do not understand a word.
Clipper - “Aus Allen Fugen” (MP3) Clipper - “Ein Konsequentes Lied” (MP3) Clipper - “Silbernes Band” (MP3)Clipper left Indiepop behind. Their vision of independent Pop music is high gloss and vulnerable on his own free will. Readers familiar with German Pop will probably see the intersections to bands like Tele, Kante and especially Blumfeld. Naive and quite the opposite to cool, Clipper position themselves right between flimsy 80’s strings, falsetto vocals and opulent arrangements. “The New Romantics of every days’ life”, true that…
“Alles erscheint in einem anderen Licht” combines ten songs written between 2004 and 2008 to a coherent album. The formula throughout all songs is Pop. But be aware! All catchy Clipper melodies overlock clever and complex compositions. Beyond the 80’s icing lurks an understanding in music that has more in common with 60’s psychedelia, think of the Beach Boys, the late Beatles, and, fast forward, Talk Talk ca. “Spirit of Eden”. This is a bit much every now and then still “Alles erscheint in einem anderen Licht” has a lot of treasury to discover!
MP3 Pop Music Download
Artist-Website: www.clipper-musik.de
(mouse over single tracks to right-click download)