Tellaro – »Jars, Jams & You« (2nd rec)
Leftfield Pop that has seen it all // This record has been sleeping on my HD for quite a while- well, sleeping is not the accurate description. It has been running on heavy rotation actually. But I never made it for a proper review. But now! Lovers of leftfield Pop, ca. Beta Band and Books, don’t miss this gem.
2nd rec is a German record label that released CDs some years back. When sales went down, 2nd rec decided to sell-out and re-start as an experimental online label. “Jars, Jams & You” by Italian Sicilian duo Tellaro is available for download only, and you can choose the price, including downloading the full-length album for free. We support 2nd rec and want to convince you to pay something valuable for this wonderful record.
Tellaro are Francesco Cantone and Tazio Iacobacci. Their electronic Pop music is build from a billion sources, like a beautiful Frankenstein patched up from the junkyard of 40 years’ pop culture. The download package comes with a 17 sides pdf booklets including notes for every song, charming and interesting. We learn about friends making political speeches, grandmother and baby sister Iacobacci singing a song, Tazio’s uncle from the US playing slide guitar, etc. etc. Most contributions include vocal performances, not necessarily singing though.
<img class=”</code> size-full wp-image-1185” src=”https://phlow-magazine.com/images/tellaro_band.jpg”
Wonderfully, all this makes up for a fresh, interesting and hymnal Pop record. Clever Pop music, notoriously underrated, in good tradition with acts like The Books, The Beta Band, Evil Superstars or the Anticon posse. Prelisten tracks “Dario Whorenges”, “Life Goes On” and “Bad News Don’t Need To Be Introduced” to become a believer. Then, believe it, every single tune on “Jars, Jams & You” will be worth the bucks you spend for the download!
MP3 Pop Music Download
Download: “Jars, Jams & You” (Chose-Your-Price Download)
Release: Tellaro - “Jars, Jams & You”
Artist-Website: myspace.com/tellaro
Netlabel: 2ndrec.com **