Cool Ambientish IDM
Tanox – »Astronomia de Balcon« (Pueblo Nuevo)
“Astronomia de Balcon” on Pueblo Nuevo is a small 5-tracker-ep with cool digital ambient music with some breakbeat-trickery. The sound is crystal clear and delivers us known ingredients like clickering percussive sounds and a precise music-programming. But when in “Flecha” suddenly a guitar reaches the surface your not only surprised but enchanted about what you hear.
OK, “Astronomia de Balcon” is a five-tracker-ep. But if you look and listen close, you discover three tracks with nearly similiar names: “Autsaidub”, “Autsaidbeat” and “Autsaidnait”. Tanox remixed himself and changed the attitude from mix to mix. While “Autsaidub” rolls on dirty breakbeats along, “Autsaidnait” is a calm trip through on icy sounds.
My favorite is still “Flecha”. The music begins with strange sounds, which sound somehow oriental. Than Tanox begins to slowly develop the dubby beat and when the beat glides, he lifts us up with a magnetic moment and gives his production an individual touch with this clear guitar-accords.
IDM MP3 Music Download
Download Tanox – »Astronomia de Balcon«Release // Tanox – »Astronomia de Balcon«
Netlabel // https://pueblonuevo.cl/