He Can Jog – »Middlemarch« (Audiobulb) with Phlow CD Raffle
Fractal Folk from the US // After the great success of our Liger give-away, this time it’s UK record label Audiobulb entering the raffle ring with the wonderful “Middlemarch” CD by Brooklyn boy Eric Schoster. Eric calls himself he can jog and produces fractal Folk and Pop music. He appeared on Hippocamp, Nexsound, 12rec. and is friends to the guys at Luvsound.
Eric Schoster produced and recorded the follow-up to his 2004 debut with a bunch of friends and family, among these Sebastian Kruger of Inlets and Kevin Gipson aka allthatfall. Nicholas Sanborn borrows his voice and composition talents for one tune (he also did the artwork). Fine guests, all together, and they make “Middlemarch” a fine record.
Eric transforms the warmth and richness of analogue instruments into splintered collages of electronic music. One part of his music is highly processed textures, another other part is low-key melodies and hypnotic rhythms. “Suite Part Four” opens the album with a krauty Poptune that shines forth with a sparkling synth motive. Melancholia and interlaced percussive elements prove central to the He Can Jog sound. “Suite Part Three” is a bit closer to what you might call a “song”. Mellow stage piano chords mix with Prefuse 73 style beats… super!
<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-978” src=”https://phlow-magazine.com/images/hecanjog_banner.jpg”
You could mention Four Tet or Cluster for comparison, I can hear a lot of adcBicycle in his music as well. Eric oscillates from crackling Ambient (“Agnes”) to IDM- and Hip Hop influenced Electronica without loosing his special cut-up sound. “Pan-Friend Fern” for instance is an absolute stunning mixture of abstract Hip Hop beats and textural Ambient, while “Contractors and Architects” (as featured on “Fall is for Lovers”) is a comparatively straight-forward Popsong. Sanborn’s vocals are bewitching. He Can Jog kisses us goodbye with the spirally and mesmerizing “Suite Part One and Two”.
How to win d’em damn fine CDs?!?
You want to win one of those rare CDs? Just listen up! To win one of three CDs, you just have to write a little entry on your Blog, on your Netlabels News Website or wherever you publish on the web and link this article. Our lottery girl picks the winners by chance out of the listed trackbacks and referers :)
Let’s get ready to rumble!!!
CD Electronic Music Purchase
Label: [audiobulb.com
](http://nexsound.org/) Artist-Website: hecanjog.com**
** MP3 Purchase via emusic.com