Endlos – »Kein Grund Zufrieden zu Sein« (1Bit Wonder)
DSP Postrock // Endlos are a two-man band from Leipzig, Eastern Germany, fusing synthesizer melodies and drum machine-grooves with electric guitars and live battery. Exclusively for the elegant 1Bit Wonder-Netlabel, Daniel Graumüller and Mario Kreuzer fixed a “Live EP” with five songs from their latest album “Kein Grund Zufrieden zu Sein”. Energetic and a bit nostalgic.
The notable thing about Endlos is their non-delusive sense for melodies and the right instrumentation. That is especially true for these five live re-works from their album. Abiding by the motto of 1bit Wonder to bring together electronic and hand-made musicial elements, Endlos stand right between Synthpop and Postrock. I found myself evocative of The Cure, New Order and The Notwist at the same time.
“Gestern Warst Du Anders” features a digitally amplified drum-beat, ambient synthesizers, gentle guitars and well-dosed glockenspiel acccents. For the second tune, Graumüller and Kreuzer move a bit closer to the band-sound they present on stage. “Renne Durch Dein Leben” is classic Postrock, hypnotizing and simple, with stoic bass and amped guitars. These elements mix perfectly with stage piano-pads and a few digital effects. For “Ist Das Alles” as the closing tune on this nice EP, Endlos boost one single melody about more than eight minutes to something larger than life. Lofty, noisy, beautiful.
Note: The original album “Kein Grund Zufrieden zu Sein” is available for free download at the band’s website.
MP3 Postrock Music Download
Release-Site: Endlos - Kein Grund Zufrieden zu Sein (Live EP)
Direct Download: Endlos - Kein Grund Zufrieden zu Sein (Live EP) ZIP
Netlabel: www.1bit-wonder.com
Artist Website: www.mypace.com/endlostoene