João Triangular – »João Triangular EP« (Merzbau)
Handmade Ambient, Ghostly And Ethereal // In actual fact, João Triangular is João Machado. Machado hails from the city of Lisbon and is part of the intimate artist-rooster at Merzbau, the Portuguese Netlabel run by Tiago Sousa. The music Machado releases under the Triangular-moniker is a ghostly mix of field-recordings, analog instruments and a lot of reverb.
Three rather short tracks that bring forth an atmosphere of intense melancholy (even depression), nostalgia and decent creep. First track “Loathe” starts with processed trumpet or cello, it’s hard to say. Undefined field-recordings emerge into a motive of precisely distorted synthesizer which takes on the main pitch of the billowing string-arrangement.
“Doria” afterwards has a similar mood but features some more pronounced guitar play. Alongside Machados whispered vocals, the heart rendering guitar melody injects a big potion of melancholia to João Triangular’s rather sober drones. The last track is “Untitled” and comes off with a fine Theremine-like synth texture and processed Moog-flutes. Quite minimal but I like it.
P.S.: The absolutely awesome artwork is crafted by João Machao as well. Triangular, no? Chapeau!
MP3 Ambient Music Download
Release Site: João Triangular - “João Triangular EP”
Direct Download: “João Triangular EP” ZIP
Netlabel: www.merzbau-label.org
Artist Website: www.myspace.com/joaotriangular