Kiorda Däkin – »3« (1bit Wonder)
Spaced out 70’s Electronic Music // The news that 1bit Wonder Netlabel closes down came as a decent surprise to me. Just recently, some of their records made me listen up and enforced the impression that the label had taken a good step forward. Well… last but one release number 31 comes from Leipzig-based Kiorda Däkin and is a cool trip into 70’s Synth Pop.
Kiorda Daekin “Median” (mp3)With two EPs and numerous single tunes Däkin is a real housekeeping artist at 1bit Wonder. With his third appearance “3”, he founds himself connecting to the Deephouse-style of his debut “Interstellar Paradise” (which is the name of his own Netlabel, too). Spaced out synthesizers, naive melodies and interstellar echo chambers evoke memories of late 70’s retro futurism.
Imagine the Discovery approaching the stars with “Meditate” for score rather than György Ligeti’s composition. The fine echo-chords and grumbling synth textures of “Median” sound like Thinner gone Pop, while “Melt” marries Deephouse and cautious Minimal Techno. The title track “3” has wonderful full-synthetic strings, fine stage piano pads and brings forth a certain Fusion-feel. Did someone say Return to Forever? I do.
Free MP3 Electronic Music Download
Release Site: Kiorda Däkin - “3”
Direct Download: Kiorda Däkin - “3” ZIP
Netlabel: www.1bit-wonder.com
Artist Website: www.myspace.com/kiorda