Psychon – »Slow Country for Old Men« (Narrominded)
Ambient Electronic Mixture // Regardless what anyone may think, Psychon has not been asleep for the past five years. After releasing “apocalypse has been dubbed the weekend pill”, the band submerged into a sea of sounds redescovering new textures, shapes and forms of music. Eventually that led them to a path where different musical tastes were found.
It is good to notice how the words “new” and “discover” can easily merge into what we usually call “evolution”. So basically this means Lars Meijer, Coen Polack and Jantijn Prins bring us this new release as the result of the progressive change on their musical tastes. The complexity and density of their tracks remain intact, but the several layers of sound are now refined.
“Field recordings, electronic minimalism and acoustic maximalism” were blent with such various styles, redefining the band’s bounderies in a studio. They reconstructed their own patterns of what music production might be, allowing the existence of new sonorities, where there is no space for inconsistency. Everything plays a specific role in the track as a whole, letting harmony breath there. The long tracks counteract the short ones and give the record a certain dynamic.
Ultimately, fluidity is the key-word.
MP3 Downbeat Music Download
Download: Psychon – “Slow Country for Old Men” (ZIP-Archive)
Artist-Website: Psychon
Release: Psychon – “Slow Country for Old Men”
Netlabel: www.narrominded.com