Emilie Lund – »Emilie Lund EP« (Aaahh Records)
Bitter-Sweet Folk Pop // Oh wow. This one totally got me… Aaahh Records made themselves an excellent name in the scene. More important, they did so for many people not explicitly following the CC move. Me personally, my heart was barely involved in an AR release up to know. With Ms Emilie Lund however, they put me down. Unadorned heart-break music with black spots here and there…
Emilie Lund - “Childhood Friend” (MP3) Emilie Lund - “Rewind” (MP3)Five tiny songs, acoustic guitar, vocals, some little gimmicks every now and then. Emilie Lund’s voice is slightly girlish but brings forth a certain mature timbre I enjoy a lot. I tend to say she sounds very Swedish although I can not explain what this means - maybe it’s the very rolemodel Nina Persson burned into my mind. Hard to resist however.
Despite her voice and the fact Emilie writes beautiful and mesmerizing melodies, her songs are always more than just folky lullabies. There is a strong 60s feel about her selftitled EP. I can hear she is up for the likes of Vashti Bunyan, Nick Drake, Brian Wilson, Van Dyke Parks and everything in-between. Still the record does not sound dated by any chance.
<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-1413” src=”https://phlow-magazine.com/images/emilie_lund_phlowmag.jpg”
Emilie Lund opens a jewel case filled with delicate Art-Pop, dreamful abstractions of US-American Folklore and these little bit of edges I called black spots in the introduction. In “Rewind”, she sings “He went searching for her love as if / his love weren’t imporant / Even tried to heal her scars as if / his scars weren’t important”. Boy she’s gorgeous.**
MP3 Folk Pop Music Download
Download: “Emilie Lund EP” (ZIP-Archive)
Artist-Website: myspace.com/emilielund
Release: Emilie Lund - “Emilie Lund EP”
Netlabel: aaahh-records.net