Various – »Cen Art« (Soulseek Records)
Chill Out Compilation // Once upon a time Soulseek was the filesharing platform for real music lovers. Maybe it is still today… I lost track but what I kept in mind is this wonderful project called Soulseek Records. A project coordinated by musicians who connected through the platform, shared their taste and last not least made some compilations together. One of those compilations is called “Cen Art”.
essell “daydream” (MP3)Originally “Cen Art” was compiled for a lounge in Barcelona. On the compilation you find warm, melodic and most of the time relaxed tunes. The style of music ranges somewhere inbetween IDM, Downbeats and Ambient. This makes the compilation quite homogenic and all the tracks fit well together.
Who had thought of, that a project like a file sharing platform would give birth to a music compilation where musicians would join free of will to give their music to the world for free… Yes, not someone in the music industry.
The web is made for sharing, so enjoy this little contemporary piece of net art.
MP3 Chill Out Music Download
Download: Various - “Cen Art” (FTP)
Release: Various - “Cen Art”
Netlabel: soulseekrecords.org