Various – »Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1« (Netlabelism.net)
Electro Vibes // Netlabelism.net - the belgium outpost for creative commons music - works courageously on dragging more attention for netlabels and their artists. Next to their radio show “Netwaves” they complete their portofolio now with a compilation called “Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1”. Prepare yourself to listen to some music from unknown artists who sound like Fischerspooner, Client, Miss Kittin, Peaches or Ladytron…
I like the idea of making netlabel music compilation for music lovers who have no clue of netlabels or creative commons music. While the netlabel world is like a huge ocean where normal people drown because they don’t see the horizon, it’s better to invite them to take a bubbling bath in a whirlpool filled with music by interesting netlabels.
In the sonic whirlpool from Belgium the waves are dark, electronic and sometimes with seducing vocals. A fine electro-compilation.
MP3 Electro Music Download
Download: Various - “Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1”(ZIP-Archive)
Release: Various - “Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1”
Netlabel: Netlabelism.net