Destination Cologne – Netlabel-Sounds from Cologne
Netlabel Compilation // Phlow-Magazine.com proudly presents “Destination Cologne”, a compilation with music from netlabels coming from and living in Colgne/Germay. Curated by mo. for the c/o pop conference in august 2008 this collection presents you a vibrant profile of the free electronic music scene in one of Germanys most active cities. After Stockhausen and Kompakt a new collective starts to put Cologne again on the map of electronic music. These netlabel buddies contributed their sound to the compilation.
Spread the word, and embed the compilation-widget on your website! To get the code just click on the Share-Button!Yeeee! Phlow-Magazine.com proudly presents “Destination Cologne” a free netlabel compilation by netlabels from Cologne. To get more information about all the netlabels involved click on the Netlabel-Button in the widget. And these netlabels were involved in the making of “Destination Cologne”:
- Zimmerlautstaerke
- Stadtgruen
- Rest Label
- rec72
- Phonocake
- directors cut cologne
- Der kleine grüne Würfel
- 2063music
- Soundmap of Cologne
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Playlist - Destination Cologne
- “Thalys - Mehrsprachige Zugansage” (Soundmap of Cologne)
- “Please Repeat” from System-Pi (Stadtgruen)
- “Cable Pollution Results” from New Delhi FM (Der kleine grüne Würfel)
- “The one with the lead guitar” from Monomatik(iD.EOLOGY)
- “lexington” from nika japaridze (Rest Netlabel)
- “Periodic Table” from 6884 (FOEM)
- “more” from Breitbandkater (directors cut cologne)
- “Phonocake” from Aries Fiktion (Phonocake)
- “SKOOL” from Organo Flex (72rec)
- “Jutro” from Phonout (Zimmerlautstärke)
- “04_untitled” from monostatic (2063music.de)
- “Die singenden Schranken von Holweide” (Soundmap of Cologne)
To present this compilation on your blog or netlabel, just embed the widget on your website. To get the code just click on the Share-Button!