Gillicuddy – »The Repeating Thoughts Of Old Zinng Zanng« (Resting Bell)
Less grumpy, rather blissful // Gillicuddy returns with a tiny little EP on Resting Bell Netlabel. His debut “Shmalhans is Kuechenmeister” was quite a good listen with a lot of potential hiding behind the awkward compositions. On “The Repeating Thoughts”, Gillicuddy takes the quiet moments, expands and brings them to perfection.
Gillicuddy - “II” (MP3)Let’s start with the downer - behind the five tunes the tracklist promises, only two songs lurk actually. “I” and “II” are the same as “IV” and “V”, as an interlude “III” is ten seconds silence. “The Repeating Thoughts Of Old Zinng Zanng”. Got it?
Gillicuddy a.k.a. Andreas Rohden is much more subtle songwriter on his new EP than it was the case on “Shmalhans is Kuechenmeister”. Both “I” and “II” are subtle and decent Folk songs that deliver a certain 60’s feeling but are far to clever to be judged retro. The two-voiced vocals are very beautiful. Gillicuddys’ songs float in a strange place in-between, they do not seem to serve any purpose. While “I” is a bit more traditional, say Wilco meets Sea & Cake, “II” takes the __song imperciptible into textural regions, makes it disappear somehow.
Fading in, fading out, diappearing… after ten seconds silence, “I” and “II” repeat themselves as “IV” and “V”. And although it is sad we only get these two new songs to hear, the concept makes sense. Very good.
MP3 Folk Music Download
Download: “The Repeating Thoughts Of Old Zinng Zanng” (ZIP-Archive)
Artist-Website: www.gillicuddy.de
Release: Gillicuddy - “The Repeating Thoughts Of Old Zinng Zanng”
Netlabel: www.restingbell.net **