My Awesome Mixtape – »Songs of Sadness, Songs of Happiness« (Kirstens Postcard)
Indietronic Vocal Pop // Do you like drum computers, intensive refrains, electronic instruments and vocals? Yeah?!? Than My Awesome Mixtape is the right band for you. They please us with pop-flavoured electronic music. Somehow every song sounds personal and invites us to sit down in their rehearsal room and have a listen.
My Awesome Mixtape - “The Painter And The Anthropologist” (MP3) My Awesome Mixtape - “The Giant Squid” (MP3)My Awesome Mixtape is that type of indie-band that sound personally, a little bit trashy and full of fun. Each song makes us feel slightlymelancholic but gives us hope with a fine groove and nice vocals. The band on the italian netlabel called Kirstens Postcard include their listeners and it seems as we are their buddies. Maybe these emotions come from the refrain often sang as a chorus.
Let’s bring it to the point: Great melodic music with a personal touch!
MP3 Pop Music Download
Download: “Songs of Sadness, Songs of Happiness” (ZIP-Archive)
Artist-Website: www.myspace.com/wearemyawesomemixtape
Netlabel: www.kirstenspostcard.com