Iambic² – »As The Snow Fell« (laridae)
Poetic and cineastic Soundtrack // Iambic²’s album “under these stars, we´ll sleep again” popped last december throughout our charts-carnival up and up. Quick we realized: “under these stars, we´ll sleep again” was and is one of the most favorite free albums in 2007 for musiclovers all over the globe. Now Guy Andrews reveals his second album “As The Snow Fell” on the austrian netlabel Laridae. And it’s again full of little experiments, vibrant guitars, wonderful melodies and soothing voices somewhere inbetween Post-Rock, IDM, Ambient and Pop.
One year after his very well acclaimed debut “Under These Stars, We’ll Sleep Again” Guy Andrews aka iambic² is back with a new full length release on laridae. Like an album has to be, “As The Snow Fell” introduces us to different sides of the musician. Beginning with an atmospheric soundtrack-like song the album opens up to bring us more and more different musical aspects of Guy Andrews music project.
You listen to slow and calm songs like “When Father Cries” full of melancholy, you listen to voices like in “Night 13” getting uplifted or you dream while hovering over a cineastic soundtrack like “December’s Shadows”. Listening to “As The Snow Fell” is like reading a poetic story full of subtle changes which take you far, far away into an admiring world. Guy Andrews little wonderland overs you colourful compositions full of love and emotions. One-dimensional ideas are far away. Wonderful!
PS: We strongly advice you to listen to the entire album!
MP3 Electronica Music Download
Download: Iambic² - As The Snow Fell (laridae) (ZIP)
Netlabel: www.laridae.at
Artist-Website: www.iambicmusic.com // Iambic² @ MySpace