MoR – »I've cheated« (Beat is Murder)
Summer Bleeps // Some odd and new and unexpected music hits my ears from Itlay-born Antonio Rosselli. Unexpected because his six-track EP was published via my favourite Weird Pop imprint Beat is Murder - and I was not aware that Dino, the gentleman behind the wheel of BiM, fancies releasing playful Indietronics like this.
MoR -“ I’ve Cheated” (MP3) MoR - “Emo Riff” (MP3)<aSound engineer Antonio Rosselli appears under the moniker MoR (Masters of Ribongia), which is not too clever as this name was adapted by many others before. Scroble your name before publishing it is the message! Anyway, just to avoid some confusion…
“I’ve cheated” is a very wonderful mixture of Four Tet-style Electronica and up-lifting, cheerful Chiptune-melodies. Something you can find with 12rec. recording artist Rob Hunter as well. What made me listen up this time is the influence from UK contemporary dance music - every now and then, Rosselli introduces abyssal Dubstep synthesizers and lets his beats stumble in a Garage/ 2step-style. This comes rough and dirty and beautifully mirrows the more gentle elements like chimes and acoustic guitars. Eclectic listen!
MP3 Pop Music Download
Download: “I’ve cheated” (ZIP-Archive)
Artist-Website: myspace.com/masterofribongia
Release: MoR - “I’ve cheated”
Netlabel: beatismurder.com