Batfinks – »Peach Route« (Hippocamp Netlabel)
Wildstyle Electronica on Dope // If you listen to the incredible sound of the Batfinks it’s either like a colourful shining computer-game filled with funny and lively melodies or a weirdo on crack drilling his beats to the max. If the weirdo chops up the rhythms with a handful of drum’n’bass-beat, he will break your neck for sure while you are trying to dance to his beats. On the other hand you will seldomly find such a unique world of melodies in the little electronica-universe.
If you listen to the Batfinks from the Hippocamp Netlabel it won’t be easy. On the one hand they twist your head and make you smile playing sweet melodies for you…
…on the other hand, they enjoy building grunting drill’n’bass-monsters who make you stumble. Nevertheless the Batfinks is a hell of a band. Every song nearly bursts because their are so many ideas, melodies, funny sounds and hopping beats to discover. Listening to the Batfinks is like enjoying musicians who play naively with synthesizers, samplers and plinker-plonker-musictools. Check out their „Peach Route EP“ and „the one towards the garrick from the bird EP“, open your ears for their uber-song „Weiff Ich“ and simply let loose and enjoy electronica-music from the prolific hippocamp netlabel.
MP3 Electronica Music Download
MP3-Download: Batfinks – the one towards the garrick from the bird EP
MP3-Download: [Batfinks - “Peach Route”
](http://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/groups/hippocamp/hc022/) MP3-Download: Liveact @ Leeds STFU 18th March 2006 [(ZIP)
](http://www.archive.org/download/hc165/leeds_stfu_180306_batfinks.mp3) Netlabel: www.hippocamp.net