Anois – »Tree House Whispers« (Aerotone Netlabel)
Lovely Aero-Pop // It’s been more than half a year ago that german melancholy netlabel aerotone put out a full length album. But your precious time was absolutely worth waiting for their new release. If you like folky pop music with a little electronica here and there, you should not miss “Tree House Whispers” by the creative multiinstrumental duo Anois.
Anois - Beds And Dishes (MP3) Anois - Waltz Of Wolfs (MP3) Anois - Homecall (MP3)Anois is Lars Kranholdt and Anne Baier from northern Germany. Lars is not a newbie to aerotone and the netaudioscene and neither is Anne. As This Mess Is Mine Lars already put out two bedroom folktronica EPs at aerotone. Together with his brother Daniel, he appeared on two compilations of the aerotone netlabel. As Leander they drift towards a slightly more electronica style, that can still be coined folktronica, but with less folk in it. Anne does not seem to be as busy, but hey, she doesn’t have to - as long as she keeps teaming up with Lars to create such lovely songs as they do as Anois.
“Tree House Whispers” is not the first Anois-Release. They have had a few appearances at the mexican netlabel poni republic. “Tracery On A Frosted Window” was their debut and they also did a split EP with Sunday Parlours. Now, more than one year after their release at the poni republic, they are back with new material, that is a diverse mix of original folkpoptronica. Some songs sound surprisingly happy (“Beds and Dishes), while others are full of cloudy moods and melodies that offer you quite a big sip of a sweet drink called melancholy (“November”).
There is one thing about this album that makes it difficult to make up an opinion. Diversity. The 13 songs on “Tree House Whispers” somehow don’t seem to fit on this album. On the other hand it is the diversity that makes this album even more interesting to my ears. You get handclapping popsongs that make you sing along, folky tunes that have been added up with some electronic bits and pieces and sometimes there is a noisy atmosphere and experimental glitch hidden in between some bedroom-folk that comes along with lovely instruments like strings, trumpets, glockenspiel and other kling-klang stuff.
This is definitely an album with a lot to discover. Enjoy your journey!
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MP3 Folk Pop Music Download
Download: Anois - “Tree House Whispers” (ZIP-Archive)
Artist-Website: www.myspace.com/anois
Release: Anois - “Tree House Whispers”
Netlabel: www.aerotone.net
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