Evgeny Grinko – »Cinematic Melodies EP« (RAIGs Accessory Takes)
Smooth, Melancholic, Jazzy // Jazzy drums, a regular bass line, a sound somewhere between an oboe and a clarinet - but is in fact an accordion: “Woody Allen” has arrived to the set. And there it was, a tiny impression that something mysterious is about to happen. Some suspense, please.
Evgeny Grinko – “Woody Allen” (MP3) Evgeny Grinko – “Poirot and Tarutz walk in Paris” (MP3) <a href=http://mp3.phlow.de/phlow_2008/06._cinematic_melodies_-_evgeny_grinko_-_28359840921=42.mp3”>Evgeny Grinko – “28359840921=42” (MP3)</a>Well, the big mistery question here is “Why was this debut EP released so late?”. I am sorry, but I’m a lame detective and have no answers for you. However, I can assure you that once you start to listen to it, you probably will not stop the music before you get to the very last second, because it is just like a movie.
You get the opportunity to smile, to laugh, to think about life, and maybe shed one or two tears while you do it. Actually, you can find a bit of every emotion in the record, from smooth jazz to melancholic piano solos. The best thing about it? Probably the fact that you can choose your own screenplay, in order not to get disappointed. But with a soundtrack like this, I severely doubt that you can dream about a bad plot.
Review written by Rute Correia
MP3 Music Download
Download: Evgeny Grinko – “Cinematic Melodies EP” (ZIP-Archive)
Artist-Website: Evgeny Grinko
Release: Evgeny Grinko – “Cinematic Melodies EP”
Netlabel: www.raig.ru