Classic House Music
Breitbandkater – »More EP« (DCC Records)
Ohhh, listen to this! These tracks from Breitbandkater are dressed as classic House-Tunes. No fenzy music-engineer-acrobatics patching some weird sounds togehter! No(!), old structures still keep the dancefloor alive. You only need some groovy loops and a sweet but hyptnotic bassline. For Breitbandkater no problem.
OK, I don’t like “Koerperkontakt”. There is nothing new about this one and the track sounds quite “cheesy”. So let’s skip this track and listen instead to the laidback “Kaffeehaus”-track and the classic house-tune “grow old along with me” with these typic chords in an endless loop.
Together with its title, “grow old along with me” is a wonderful commitment to house music. And “Kaffeehaus” - which means “coffee house” - is perfect easy-listening-house-music to chill and sneak through a newspaper while enjoying a latte machiato.