Deep House
Superloader – »Fusion« (Supafeed Netlabel)
If you like Deep House Music with a juicy kickdrum and a relaxed mood, Supafeed is the netlabel of choice. Nearly every release sweets up the dancefloor. Superloader makes no exception and the power of his tunes - like his fellow mates on Supafeed - come from the stoic grooves, some little chords and the continous trippin on a mellow vibe.
- MP3 – Click to listen
- Let it off
- Fusion
- Wig Wam Bam
Superloader makes that sort of house music which seems to never stop. If you’re not down in the club with the crew, you feel the lax mood. The night is long and Supafeed sucks us into that endless groove we get hypnotized by the whole night.
Just take “Let it off”. You start the track and the groove is there. It will still be the same, when the track stops. Nevertheless you get some damn nice sounds while seesawing under the disco ball with Superloader.
Grab the love handles of your girlfriend and drag her onto the dancefloor!
House MP3 Music Download
Download Superloader – »Fusion«Release // Superloader – »Fusion«
Netlabel // https://supafeed.bandcamp.com/