Spherical Electronic Spacetrip
Pirata – »Minimental« (Pueblo Nuevo)
You can describe music by pirata best if you compare him with the well-known label Elektrolux. Like many artists and releases on Elektrolux Pirata produces a spherical and spacy kind of music somewhere inbetween IDM, Elektro and Ambient.
His electronic productions sound precise and clear. “Minimental” has a clear and very digital sound aesthetic. It’s an album full of complex and tricky beats.
Pirata is coming from Chile and releases his full electronic productions on the Pubelo Nuevo netlabel. His sound has its own trademark and takes you on a trip through electronic music and Piratas own definition of Elektro. An album that works alltogether. Respect!
IDM MP3 Music Download
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Netlabel // http://www.pueblonuevo.cl