DJ Mix »Das Netaudio Mixtape Vol.1« by mo.
Laid-Back dj-mix // “Das Netaudio Tape Vol.1” is a classic dj-mix using loungy, funky and groovy netlabel-productions. The mix is not one of those classic continuous mixes, with one stompin beat from beginning to end. No!, it’s a versatile mix with different tastes. Sometimes it smells like electronica, sometimes it’s tasty drum’n’bass with a rollin’ bassline. Oops, and did I hear some funky disco-tunes from our all-time-favorite producer Cuebism?
Yeah, you’re right! That’s sounds like a true trip like we enjoy once in a while when we’re listening to good old DJ-Kicks-Mixes. Correct. On “Das Netaudio Tape Vol.1” mo. glued some serious classics from the global netlabel scene together. His tight mix has some crazy cuts and blends and never gets boring. The mix comes around the corner like these good old mixtapes we did decades ago. So hook up your mp3-player and please him/her with an imaginative mixture of groovy music.
MP3 DJ-Mix Music Download
Download: Das Netaudio Tape Vol.1