As a Beat Samurai N-Noiz follows the path of Photek and his comrades-in-arms. His “Unbounding The Future EP” is an epic trip with haunting sounds, elaborate chopped-up beats and a unique style which makes every former master proud. You rarely find so deep, complex and intelligent Drum’n’Bass beats.

This is one fantastic peace of drum’n’bass art. It’s dark, yes. There are no melodic hooks, yes. But if you are a beat addict as I am, you just have to admire the craftful work. You will be sucked into the deep atmosphere.

With enthusiastic love N-Noiz formed outstanding drum’n’bass-tracks. And also if Photek is the sword-swinging leader, N-Noiz has his own fighting style. Just listen how the bass diggs a grave for every opponent, how the beats travel through the stereo field. My only critisism concerns to the last track “Vibin The Crook”. There N-Noiz repeated the vocals to much or the MC had no more rhymes in his pocket. Nevertheless the voice by Semtex M fits perfect to the music vibe.

Dark, powerful and fresh!

Drum and Bass MP3 Music Download

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