Vincent Fugère’s Favorite Netaudio Moments in 2008
Advent Calendar Door 20 // Not only a musician for approximately ten years now, Vincent Fugère a.k.a. Muhr was around when the whole Netaudio thing initially kicked off. As he reports in a recent interview for Phlow Magazine, microscopic social networks, chipmusic and a Babylonian mishmash of different file types where the primordial soup for the Netaudio scene to emerge from. Actually, Vince is the face behind the respectable Camomille Netlabel and Apegenine recordlabel. He released a whole bunch of EPs at hipster places like Zymogen, Serein, Miasmah and many more.
Top-5 Netaudio Tracks in 2008
- ComfortFit feat. Dyno - “Oh I Don’t Know” [Tokyo Dawn]
Top-5 Netlabels
Top-5 Releases in 2008
- Planet Boelex & Lisa’s Antenna - “Little World” [sfp01]
- Kaneel - “La Pink Note” [pj003]
- Risch - “Missing Monsters” [pj004]
- V.A. - “M100” [mi100]
- Entertainment For The Braindead - “Hydrophobia” [aaahh.002]
Surprise in 2008
“Seems to me 2008 was a cocoon year; not much happened and most people went into hibernation, but as 2009 approaches, i feel like it’s going to be a very, very exciting year”