Yuki Yaki's Favorite Netaudio Moments in 2008
Advent Calendar Door 16 // Yuki Yaki has been founded in 2005 a logical consequence of a radio show. The show as well as the label tries to provide a platform for artists and their work. It appeals to musicians, photographers and designers. As we do not believe in cataloguing music, it is very hard for us to put any limits here. Nevertheless we are mainly interested in music from the field of minimal techno, electronica or clicks’n’cuts. However, the focus is always on originality and acting on one’s own initiative, so the question of style becomes secondary.
Top-5 Netaudio Tracks in 2008
Top-5 Netlabels
Top-5 Releases in 2008
- Plakto - “The Ninth” [ELJD010]
- V.A. - “Enoughdubs” [enrcmp10]
- V.A. - “Because Best Things Are Free” [iD.046]
- Node - “Phosphenes” [ELJD010]
- V.A. - “So Much Achieved. So Much Left To Do” [12rec.050]