Netlabel Research Report from Max Planck Researcher Patryk Galuszka
We proudly present you the Netlabel Research Study done by Max Planck Researcher Patryk Galuszka. We already talked with him about his studies and finally here they are. Just to drop some of the numbers of this huge research: Patryk got in contact with 650 netlabels, send out 569 questionnaires and received 339 complete questionnaires during his research. While the majority of his correspondents are from Europe and North America, he got in touch with netlabels from nearly 50 different countries!
Let’s have a look on more numbers and results!Some Statistics of the Netlabel Research
What does your netlabel deal with?
<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-1079” title=”genres-netlabels-research-2” src=”https://phlow-magazine.com/images/genres-netlabels-research-2.gif”
Which genres are released by netlabels?
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“Most of netlabels declare that they are non-commercial organizations aimed at dissemination of interesting music. They also emphasize that they are different from traditional record labels.”
Which license are most of netlabels’ releases published under?
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Conclusion, Outlook and Response
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First of all, I would like to thank Max Planck Researcher Patryk Galuszka to let us publish his fantastic work. This is one of the first - if not the first research - which was done properly and with lots of engagement and enthusiasm. To get a proper image of the whole report, download it and read the complete paper.
Although the first part of the research has been finished, Patryk is still trying to learn more about netlabels like writing articles or even a book about netaudio. If you have some interesting stories to share, for example “How and why did you start your own netlabel? What are your plans for the future?” get in contact with him and write him an e-mail. He will be happy to read your emails or hear your stories via Skype. To get in touch with him via patrykgaluszka [at] gmail.com or visit Patryk Galuszka’s Blog.
Next to Patryk’s research, we at Phlow are curious: What do you think about these results?
Download the Netlabel Research
PDF-Download: [Research on Netlabels by Patryk Galuszjka (PDF)
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