Michel Berghs/Netlabelism.net Free Music Charts 2007
We asked Michel Berghs some questions about his project Netlabelism.net. His answered the following lines:
“Netlabelism was born three years ago as a concept to promote netlabels and their artists and music. The main reason for the website is the philosophy of bringing music back to its roots, ie. Pure music without the greedy music business. Netlabelism.net is celebrating this new concept of sharing music via mp3-parties, concerts, websites and the well received internetradio and podcast ‘Netwaves’.”Check out his podcast or his charts coming straight to us from Belgium.
Top-5 Songs
You find the songs above on these websites and netlabels: Autoplate, 1 Bit Wonder, headphonica.com, WM Recordings and Sutemos.
Top-5 Releases
- <a href=http://aerotone.300l600.de/index.php?id=2,94,0,0,1,0>aerotone - [aer010] 10th anniversary release AERshirt</a
- <a href=http://www.archive.org/details/offandgreenTheCrisdingBladingParceQueep>The Crisding Bladading - [O&G_012] Parce Que</a>
- <a href=http://www.archive.org/details/1bit_028>Endlos - [1bit 028] Kein Grund zufrieden zu sein (Live EP)</a>
- <a href=http://www.archive.org/details/konkord020>Tristan Linton - [konkord020] Soulthieves</a>
- <a href=http://www.thinner.cc/releases.php?r=apl042>Klotzsch & Sudermann - [APL042] Holzlaub</a>
Top-5 Netlabels
- <a href=http://yesnowave.com/>Yes No Wave Music</a>
- <a href=http://www.valiza-tools.com/>Valiza Tools</a>
- <a href=http://rummenigger.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=3/>Krill Konzern</a>
- <a href=http://www.netaudio.ru/electrosound/>Electrosound</a>
- <a href=http://www.archive.org/details/blocsonic>blocSonic</a>