V.A. – »Cycles« (Camomille Netlabel)
Superb Anniversary Compilation // Over six years Camomille distributes electronic music for free. Created in 2002 by Vincent Fugère in Montreal, Canada, out of love of camomille tea and ambient music there has been 99 releases to date. Now we celebrate Camomille’s 100th release by listening to 44(!) free tracks somewhere inbetween ambient, idm and electro-acoustic music. A great idea comes along with the marvellous and huge music package: an artpackage with beautiful, strange and interesting graphics. Happy Birthday Camomille!
Camomille has been a long time a must for people who enjoy the worldwide demoscene and especially the music which comes along with its scene. If you compare the music of today with the beginning, Camomille evolved very much. Nearly all the productions sound professional, vivid and with an ear for details.
Interesting is also the fact, that with its 100th release Camomille makes some sort of statement. Even when the music is build and composed with the help of computers, you’l discover analog instruments like guitars and of course vocals. Also there are nearly no genre-boundries. This compilation with 44 tracks has music for everybody be it IDM, Electronica or electro-acoustic music. Next to internet-music-stars like Lackluster you find music from known artists like Vim and Papercutz who released lately on Petite&Jolie Compilation or Khonnor.
Never mind the name-dropping. I like especially the tracks with vocals composed by Bliss, Troupe and Hendrik José. Great music, with emotions and melodies and some serious infectious hooks.
MP3 IDM Ambient Music Download
Release-Download: V.A. - Cycles
Website: Camomille Netlabel